No WiFi connection

I’ve installed a brand new Volumio (volumio-2.041-2016-12-12-pi + DAC+). Accessed the GUI via Ethernet. Tried to connect via WiFi (hidden, wpa2) to my router - about 50 or more times - but with no success. Tried to do that with both Hotspot enabled and disabled. About a whole disappointing hour.

I guess everybody’s expectations would be that Volumio should remember the provided WiFi settings, connect to the router and then, when restarted, always connect to the WiFi it was connected prior to rebooting.

I find the Hotspot useful when accessing the app for the first time, but then, when the WiFi connection is set and the Hotspot is disabled, after every reboot V should connect automatically to that WiFi and keep the Hotspot disabled, so that one could enjoy also some music with Volumio and not only struggle endlessly trying to connect to the WiFi router, switching off and on WiFi, Hotspot etc. The app seems quite nice and promising, but is practically unusable.

I’d appreciate very much if I could get some help on how to connect V to a WiFi router and have it automatically connect to the same every time it is rebooted, keeping Hotspot disabled.


I think the issue here might be that you have hidden your ssid right? Would it be an option make the network visible and try if it does work?

I will try that now, just for the test, but anyway I would prefer a hidden network for a bit more security.

I also uploaded a Network settings screenshot, if that could be of help. It shows WiFi and Hotspot are off, but also that Hotspot is actually on. Weird…

Just in case I re-imaged the card. And made the WiFi network visible.

  1. The WiFi network was listed there
  2. Tried to connect
  3. No connection (and Hotspot still active)
  4. Then, after refreshing the page, both WiFi and Hotspot were actually switched OFF (I didn’t do that)
  5. Switched them back ON
  6. Refresh
  7. No connection to WiFi - Hotspot is active
  8. Again tried to connect to WiFi (btw, no problem connecting to WiFi from my pc)
  9. Refresh
  10. WiFi and Hotspot are OFF (looks pretty bad)
  11. Tried several more times to connect to WiFI, but without any success
    12 Last state: Hotspot active, no WiFi connection

I looked for more info on connecting RPi to a hidden WiFi and I noticed that the examples given at the links below are somehow different from what I’ve seen in the wpa_supplicant.conf in Volumio. That might be perfectly OK, but just in case I wanted to share those links in case they could be of help for introducing a fix for current Volumio WiFi connectivity issues.

How to Connect Your Raspberry Pi to a Hidden SSID … dden-ssid/

How to setup a Raspberry Pi with a hidden network using a Edimax EW-7811Un … idden.html

Thanks, have you managed to connect in the meantime?

What wifi adapter are you using?


has anyone managed to solve that issue?
I have the same problem and followed quite the same path as xvol below :

I have then tryed again and again, flashing new images on different SD cards, and I can see my wifi SSID it just doesn’t catch it and swith back again on hotspot mode. LAN is OK.

I have resolve myself to use RuneAudio instead and it was setup in a jiffy. IP found for both ethernet and wifi, finds all my files, BUT the GUI doesn’t suits me, I prefers Volumio’s … :frowning:

I had similar symptoms, the solution was to play with the wifi standards supported by the access point AND the Rpi zero W. I had to set the one that was acceptable by both :wink: I simply forgot that one time I have forced the AP to use n only (so my PC had always fastest radio connection).