Websocket emit('next') and emit('prev') with webstreams

emit(‘next’) and emit(‘prev’) operations from the Volumio WebSocket_API :-


work great when the Queue contains a list of media files or a Spotify playlist but do
nothing when the Queue contains a list of Webstreams (e.g. WebRadio stations).

Is this intended behaviour or a bug ? What is the best way to advance through a
Queue containing a list of Webstreams using the Volumio WebSocket_API.

Here’s the python scripts I’m currently running :-

import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from rotary_class_nobutton import RotaryEncoder
from socketIO_client import SocketIO, LoggingNamespace


socket = SocketIO(HOSTNAME, PORT, LoggingNamespace)

# Define GPIO inputs for "tuning" rotary encoder.
PIN_A = 14 	# Pin 8 
PIN_B = 15	# Pin 10
BUTTON = 4	# Pin 7

# Define GPIO inputs for "volume" rotary encoder.
VPIN_A = 23 	# Pin 16
VPIN_B = 24	# Pin 18
VBUTTON = 22	# Pin 15

# Set debug level for print statements
DEBUG = 2      #  0 = no print statements, 1 = limited, 2 = full

# This is the event callback routine to handle events
def tswitch_event(event):
	if event == RotaryEncoder.CLOCKWISE:
		if (DEBUG): print "Tuning Clockwise"
	elif event == RotaryEncoder.ANTICLOCKWISE:
		if (DEBUG): print "Tuning Anticlockwise"

def vswitch_event(event):    
	if event == RotaryEncoder.CLOCKWISE:
		if (DEBUG): print "Volume Clockwise"
                socket.emit('volume', '+')
	elif event == RotaryEncoder.ANTICLOCKWISE:
		if (DEBUG): print "Volume Anticlockwise"
                socket.emit('volume', '-')

# Define the switches
tswitch = RotaryEncoder(PIN_A,PIN_B,tswitch_event)
vswitch = RotaryEncoder(VPIN_A,VPIN_B,vswitch_event)

while True:             

How do you play a specific queue entry via the Websocket interface ?

I’ve tried io.emit(‘play’, n) where n is a number but this doesn’t appear to work.

Just figured this out :-

If you are currently playing a webtream you have to do emit(‘stop’) first and then emit(‘next’) or emit(‘prev’) followed by emit(‘play’).

Kind of makes sense if you think about it.

Nice workaround