Tinkerboard and Volumio Plugins - Logitec LMS Server

Hi All,

ASUS Tinkerboard with latest Volumio March release on SD Card. Fires up all good there.

I have installed the Logitec LMS Server plugin in Volumio. Autostart is enabled. Says its running but cannot see it at - MyIPAddressLocal:9000 which I could do on a RAspberry Pi with Volumio.

I also enabled the Squeezebox player plugin, but this makes no difference!

Is this LMS Plugin compatible with a Tinkerboard and Volumio or am I missing something ?

Has anyone else got this working or is there a trick to this?

Many thanks in advance.


Hi Blair,

Please see Saiyato’s post here:

There are quite a couple of plugins that should be updated in the Volumio store.
LMS 1.0.15, Radio Paradise 1.0.3, Simple Equalizer 0.4.3, Rotary Encoder 1.2.2
NanoSound 1.1.62 currently will be installed - but the version shown in Volumio is still 1.1.5

Others could be checked and approved like: NanomesherCD, ParametricEQ, Pydpiper, Playonconnect, Volusonic and even more.
