[collected] Tidal Integration

Tidal Hi Fi just launched today - 15 million tracks of lossless, hi-fi audio. Don’t know if it can be integrated into Volumio or not but would like it to be - I am already a member.


That sounds great! :smiley: I’ll look into it.

It would be great to get this on board.

Another hand up for Tidal integration. Would love to have this feature. FWIW, Tidal seem open to various integrations judging by this page:

tidalsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en- … io-Players

Even tough most “home audio players” run on a form of linux, Tidal hasn’t got a Linux client… This will probably make it harder to implement.

Besides that, how big is the Tidal user-base? As far as i can see it is only officially available in the UK and US, so it probably isn’t all that big. That brings the question, what should be implemented first? Google Play Music, Tidal, Deezer, Grooveshark, Xbox music, Songcast etc.

I’ve seen a lot of different streaming audio services, and a whole lot of those have been requested as a new feature. Adding these features requires quite some work. I don’t think that any of these services have a pre-build headless client available for public use. All these need to be created by someone from “a community”.

Spotify currently is one of the bigger services, there have been multiple projects to make spotify work on linux boxes. This has all been done by people of the community. (note, the spotify community) The dev’s of volumio found a propper working project and started to implement this in volumio. But adding spotify isn’t as easy as: apt-get install spotify. And then the testing.

As for Tidal, from there site:

Volumio isn’t “one of the most respected audio brands” and there is a good chance that either tidal and the “brands” pay each other for adding the support and being allowed to add the support. A simple opensource audio player, as they probably see volumio, doesn’t get that kind of support.

(in the slim chance that people from Tidal are looking, please prove me wrong :smiley: )

MobeyDuck, totally understand your need to prioritise and the request for Tidal support was on the off chance that integration was possibly trivial (based on my nonexistent codeing skills :confused: ) The one point I would make in favor of Tidal over others is their lossless audio support. Volumio strikes me as a platform for audiophiles, perhaps they’re more likely to go for a service like Tidal over Google Play, but again, an assumption.

Anyway, am happy to let the developers prioritise future development.

Fwiw - I’m listening to tidal right now through their own app and sounds awesome streaming through AirPlay to my RPI / wolfson DAC. It would be nice to have it integrated into volumio but right now I’m not loosing anything without it.

Native support for the wolfson dac however… :smiley:

A project called ickStream is doing a Tidal integration for Squeezebox/ Logictech Media Server as a plugin. I have a beta of it and can report good results. IIRC, ickStream is an Open Source project. There may re relevant code available there.

And as a previous poster suggested, I would put integration with lossless streaming high on the list because it’s consonant with the goal of an audiophile player. The user base for lossless and hi-res may not be as big as the user base for Spotify, but the hi-res user base and the Volumio user base probably pretty much coincide.

+1 :smiley:

I would love this too. This is the only lossless streaming service widely available in the US (aside from Deezer, which I think is Sonos-only).
Given that both Volumio and Tidal users tend to be audiophiles or at least interested in audio quality, seems like integration would make a lot of sense.

I would be very interested in this as well.

Actually, thinking some more about this… Volumio probably isn’t the ideal inteface to Tidal - Tidal already have an excellent application UI. I think the ideal solution would be for Tidal to create a listener app that can go onto any paltform (inc. the Pi). Authenticate the listener and then just use the Tidal Web Player to play to any of your authenticated listeners. This would get around messing around with things like airplay, chromecast or whatever (in fact it’s not too dissimilar to how chromecast works).


Just want to share more information about how I am listening to Tidal with volumio right now.

There is an application for android called BubbleUPnP (paid one) that is essentialy a UPnP server, renderer and controller. You can access all your dlna servers, but If you use the local server there is an option to access “cloud” services, one of those is TIDAL. With a tidal subscription you can browse TIDAL and use volumio as UPnP renderer, and as both parties support openhome protocol, the playlist is stored in volumio and it can be controlled with different phones and tablets and work in gapless mode (Finally The Wall sounds at it should be).

Each element of the playlist is an entry to the app in the phone that acts as a proxy and creates the magic url for tidal, and at the end of the day, volumio plays the flac stream directly from tidal, so the quality is bitperfect.

The only drawback (besides the track name sometimes is not shown correctly in volumio) is that volumio has to talk with the tablet or phone every time a track changes to obtain the TIDAL url. The system works like this perfectly.

There is another application BubbleUPnP server that is basically a openhome UPnP proxy that runs on java and that can run inside the raspberry. If you use the proxified volumio renderer instead of volumio itself, the urls are decoded in the raspberry pi and no communication happens between volumio and the tablet once the playlist is loaded. Unfortunately as the server is written in java, it runs very slowly in the pi B+ and as a result is not worth to avoid this communication as it makes the system to respond slowlier. I am waiting for a Rpi 2 and maybe then it will work flawlessly.

The BubbleUPnP app is not open source, but there is a plugin for XBMC for wimp/tidal that is open source and i suppose that in the code it should be specified how to create the URLs for TIDAL github.com/matthuisman/kodi-tidal Unfortunately this addon can not be remotely controlled

Hope this helps somebody wanting to use TIDAL and volumio together. It is fantastic to have direct flac dlna streaming from the service provider and it is fantastic to have a headless player that can be controlled flawlessly from a tablet. With this and an equalizer (I am using alsaequal and ajaxmixer ajaxmixer.sourceforge.net/ with a couple of modifications to control the eq from web) the combo is amazing.

Could you share how you got ajaxmixer to work with volumio? Thanks

This will support Tidal on RPi, albeit not using Volumio…



I just copied the result of

svn co ajaxmixer.svn.sourceforge.net/s … xer/trunk/ ajaxmixer

onto /var/www and gave adequate permissions to the directory and the files equal to the volumio web interface. In my case ajaxmixer is under http://[ip_of_volumio]/ajaxmixer

This is enough to show the ajaxmixer interface, but to make alsaequal to work, I had to do a couple of changes more.

First I installed alsaequal following he instructions in thedigitalmachine.net/alsaequal.html

Afterwards I needed to edit the code of ajaxmixer to control the “equal” device. Unfortunately, the list of cards in ajaxmixer only lists physical cards, not devices, so equal will not appear as default. Besides that, alsaequal stores a file “.alsaequal.bin” in the home directory of the process running the audio output, in our case mpd, so, ajaxmixer must be capable of writing this file in order to work, but ajaxmixer is run with the user www-data and mpd with the user mpd. As a quick dirty solution I modified the code of ajaxmixer so it runs its commands as the user mpd via sudo and sudo allows www-data to execute commands as mpd without password (bear in mind this is a proof of concept. There are much better, cleaner solutions for this)

First I modified the exec function in /var/www/ajaxmixer/lib/Amixer.php line 24/108 to be:
array_unshift($args, ‘sudo’ , ‘-u’, ‘mpd’, ‘-H’ , $this->_amixer, ‘-c’, $card , ‘-D’ , ‘equal’);

so we will only control equal with ajaxmixer from now onwards.

Second I edited the sudo users with visudo to add permissions for www-data (yes, I know, is horrible, but I just wanted to know if it would work)

And it worked.

I also tried to use mbeq from the LADSPA swh-plugin which gives you a 15 band eq but the Rpi B+ is not powerful enough to handle it. When I receive my Rpi 2 I will update this info.

To sum up, it is possible to control an eq from the web interface, and that is something that might be interesting to integrate inside the interface of volumio itself.

Sorry for the offtopic. Please admin, feel free to move this to a better suited thread.

I read about a service called Ickstream which offers an open source API to play music from Deezer, Qobuz, Soundcloud, and Tidal, among others. It is conducting an open beta right now on Squeezebox devices, but they leave open the possibility of running it on other devices:

I’m wondering if they might let us use parts of their API in Volumio… :wink: I’m looking into this.

Any news on Tidal integration? While testing some different HMPC platforms for RPi, I noticed that Kodi (formerly XBMC) has support for Tidal (formerly Wimp). It works by using the Tidal Web Player. The web player supports HiFi audio (16/44.1) by delivering a FLAC stream.

The plugin for Kodi can be obtained here: github.com/tamland/xbmc-wimp.

Is it possible to somehow port this to Volumio?

Edit: Sorry, just realized that @bodhram already mentioned that plugin.

Any news on having TIDAL integration on Volumio?

Same question from me :slight_smile: