System not ready for about 15 minutes after rebooting

I’m running volumio 2.555 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and rebooted it twice recently while trying to debug some issues with Qobuz playback and in both cases the web UI didn’t come back after several minutes of the system rebooting. I could SSH into the Pi soon after it rebooted so I know the system was up and running.

On the first failure (which was right after upgrading to 2.555) I had to table the problem and come back later and I found it was just working when I came back to it hours later. On the second failure, I spent more time investigating and found a couple of interesting things.

  1. node was running at 100% on /volumio/index.js for a long time.
  2. The /var/log/volumio.log was empty until I finally noticed the web UI had come up.
  3. The first entry in /var/log/volumio.log was about 15 minutes after the system booted according to uptime.

I also tried to install the lsof package and got an error from apt about there being no space left on the file system. Is that anything to worry about or is that working as intended?

The reboot time is somewhat important to me since I’ve found I sometimes need to reboot when switching the output between my PCM-only DAC and my DSD-only DAC.

You might like to send a system log to see if there is any clue contained there. See … oting.html