Plug in: autoplay dont work in Volumio VERSION: 2.246

The plugin Autoplay itself can be installed but when i click the swith to ON to activate it, nothing happen and stay OFF (inactive).

thanks in advance!

Please contact the plugin writer for help.

This plugin is unable to get activated. Since it doesn’t work it should be removed from the official plugin list.

Workaround: autoplay-music-device-boot-t5766.html

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Hello sparky,

I know from this thread … -368262944 that there is an issue with my plugin in some cases. On my machine, it still works fine. I’m only using webradio, no usb stick and no media server. Raspberry PI 3 with Hifiberry.

What is your environment?


I implemented a new version, which is called autostart.
I’ve got feedback, that it fixes all known issues. … -368262944