VU Meter / Album Cover Toggle

The ability to toggle between album covers and VU meters

Also the ability to add a Internet Radio image to default when no artist image is available

A vu meter next to the album cover would indeed be a nice feature.
I used the Shanling EA5 that has this feature (so has the Shanling Eddict Software) and seeing the VuMeters is quite nice :slight_smile:

switching a plugin peppy on or off? all can be done with the peppy plugin you could create your own.

Oh… Nice to know.
Hope it can be done easily :slight_smile:
I’ll give it a look when the next version of Volumio is released. Hopefully really soon :slight_smile:
The current one does not work nice for me unfortunately.

don’t forget to set the asla :slight_smile: otherwise you get a error.

radio stations only show the logo of the station added by the station.

I will try not to forget to set the alsa :slight_smile:

I assume the peppy plug-in is in the plug-ins list ?

yes but i didn’t install it yet because things that can go wrong ask the guys and they will help you.
just ask what steps you have to follow to get it running.


Just re-inserted the SD Card with Volumio.
Browsing the plug-ins list : no plug-in called peppy or something similar.

Am I doing something wrong ?

skip this…

Thanks a lot for those infos.
I also assume that this adds the Vu-Meter if you use an external display.
Not directly into the Volumio inteface ?

Anyways, enabled test mode for plug-ins and still nothing showing up.
Probably not doing it right :frowning:

you can download skins and add then in the right folders just look if your resolution is there
otherwise you have to create it

i don’t see it there then you can install it manual from the plugin folder.

@wheaten can you show him how to use peppy plugin.

Peppy is not in the plugin store, you have been wrongly informed.
Please have a look here: Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster - #7 by 2aCD
and check " Download as Plugin:"


Much too complicated…

But thanks for your try to add this feature :slight_smile:

they want to create a album art in combi with a vu meter peppy should do the trick.
i’m not into peppy heard that there was a plugin but it seems still as a manual install.

Peppy_meter includes the albumart

don’t forget to set in /dev it back :slight_smile: from true to false so you won’t get beta’s

I am unable to browse the content of the Volumio SD card so that makes that installation impossible.

I have enabled ssh and I can connect, but it asks for a password that I do not know.

I tried “volumio” but that does not work => permission denied

are you on a pc? PH? user volumio and pass volumio

PC running Linux Arch