Hotspot does not open Volumio interface

Excuse me if I have missed something here. I have tried searching through the FAQs and forum and am unable to find an answer.

I have Raspberry pi Zero W with Voumio installed. No problems there and logged in etc and seems to be no issues.

Volumio Hotspot has been created. When I try to connect to it it just times out witih this message - We can’t connect to the server at www.volumio.local.

Same applies when trying to login in on the IP address and same applies when I am trying to connect to and I am logged in on my normal WIFI network.

Not sure what I am supposed to do from here. Volumio does not load so I cannot change any settings to get it to connect properly.

Am I missing some type of manual configuration via the PiZero direct?

Any help is much appreciated and sorry for being such a noob but this is getting quite frustrating.

Are you joining the hotspot network on you browser device? Have you used the IP address