Hello from Britanny !

Hello !

I am Julien “djakk”, from Britanny, west of France.
I’ve just ordered a MINI86 :slight_smile: I am eager to receive it and to discover Volumio (and the sound of Volumio). I am planning to subscribe to MyVolumio - Virtuoso to get my Qobuz account working with the MINI86 :wink:

I’m just wondering how I’ll have to pay with custom taxes :confused:

I know there is the Volumio Primo but I have already a DAC (I understood that Volumio Primo = MINI86 with a integrated DAC)

So the taxes are 36€50, paied online before the parcel arrived (by DHL).

Received the parcel !
Bizarre : wrapped entirely with orange sticky tape. :astonished:
Bad thing : one of the antenna can not be screwed. I’ll have to reclaim an other.

Installation was super easy ! Volumio GUI is great. Volumio functionalities are great ! (Airplay integration !!) :smiley:

I have subscribed to MyVolumio to get the Qobuz integration. It misses an option to download some tracks from Qobuz to have them locally, like on the official Qobuz app.

I have a lastFM account so I was happy to discover that there is a plugin. Unfortunately it does not work ! Oh, this is open-source world, so there is a GitHub repository for this plugin, I discovered that there is a better version on it, to be installed manually. Then I spent an other couple of hours to understand and fix it - it was not scrobbling tracks from Qobuz, due to an undefined state for the Qobuz tracks.