Have two sources using the USB DAC?

I was not successful in being able to stop Volumio via REST, have my home automation system (Home Assistant) send a text-to-speech (TTS) to Volumio to play without an unwanted side-effect.

All the above works, except after it finishes playing the TTS, if it was already stopped or paused, it starts playing music. It seems to work correctly when music is already playing, it can pause/stop the music, plays the TTS and starts the music (albeit from the beginning of the song as REST doesn’t seem to support ‘seek’).

Anyway, given the side effect of the first scenario, I am now seeking an approach where I have another application running on volumio to play the TTS via the SMSL M8 USB DAC and just use the second scenario with volumio.

Can anyone suggest if this is possible and what needs to be done? i.e. does volumio ‘hold on’ to the USB input even when in ‘stop’ or ‘pause’ status?

So, it does appear I can use mpg123 when volumio is paused/stopped. So is my only way around this to provide a node.js server wrapper to make an endpoint for Home Assistant to call on volumio or perhaps have Home Assistant execute it as a shell script via ssh or run an mqtt client on volumio.

mpg123 -a plughw:5,0 http://ha:8123/api/tts_proxy/754fd9dfb859dff0b5eae8390078a7f35c8355b5_en_-_google.mp3