I have no reason to trust etcher - how can I install?

etcher is a fancy javascript tool that appears to come from a third party. It wants me to let it, a graphical application, run as root.

This is a tremendously bad idea. So, can someone provide instructions for installing the image using standard command line tools that I can trust, like dd?

Insert your SD card
Type df to identify its name (something like /dev/sdxx).
:open_mouth: Be very careful. If you use a wrong name, you may erase your harddrive…
Then from the directory where you unzipped the image, type
sudo df if=myvolumioimage of=/dev/mysecardname.
Wait until it finish…

Slight addition to the command that balbuze posted:

sudo dd if=myvolumioimage of=/dev/mysecardname bs=1M