DST realtime decompression for DSD music files?

Hey guys! Just starting to use Volumio 2 on ODROID-C2 machine.

I have a bunch of DSD .dff files originally from SACD but archived with DST compression.

So far have not been able to play these even though uncompressed .dff and .dsf not a problem up to DSD128. I see that foobar these days is able to decompress quite well so presumably the source code for the implementation is available out there…


SACD Decoder on Sourceforge will also do the job:

Best regards,


I have been able to compile sacd.iso version of mpd from manisiutkin and run it on s905/debian jessie mediabox,
I have USB/DSD DAC connected to this mediabox.
mpd is doing DST to DSD decompression in realtime, though CPU load is high… it’s like 65…95%.
I don’t hear any hiccups or clicks or anything else. Seems that s905 have enough power for realtime DST decompression.