No Airplay settings in Web-UI on Pi 3?


I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 1.2
Running the yesterday downloaded volumio-2.041-2016-12-12-pi image on it, out of the Box.

What I am missing - and I tend to be ashemd and stunned, because nobody else seems to have that problem - :

Detailed system-settings.
Particularly all Airport features.

I installed that system to have the Raspberry working as Airplay-Center.
I have 6 Aiport-Express, want to attach - let’s say - Amazon Echo on an external USB-Soundcard connected to the Pi,
and push that controlled by Volumio to all or - case-sensitive, to selected Airports.

But out of the box I am not finding any airport feature shown in either of Volumio’s Sub-Menues.

I was surprised, that at least my iPhone found it as Airport-Speaker, but that was is: chossen Volumio in the Airport-List
on my iPhone and playing something didn’t bring sound out of the Raspberry HDMI (Web-Radio works).
The Statusscreen on the Web-UI even tells me playing still web-radio, while iPhone shows playback on Volumio-airplay.

but as stated: That would be half the battle; I still don’t know why there is no way to chose my existing Airport-Expresses as Playback-Devices in Voluio-settings.

On Screenshots in the Web I saw settings I don’t have.

I would check running services, but since this is out of the box, know Hards- and Softwarestate, someone could tell me what I have might missed…

In other words: I just want to do the same thing like this guy:

Has anyone an idea what I have missed?

Best Regards
Brandon Quest

As of now its not possible to send the audio stream to other airplay receivers

Ok, thanks for reply.
I just wonder, whether it was possible in the past (see my link at end of above post) when you confirmed
that Volumio can feed multiple Airport-receivers?

Best Regards

I was also under the assumption that a Volumio Client could send out to AirPlay speakers? This there a reason why this is not possible anymore?

Airplay is an area of Volumio I’m interested in contributing. The AirPlay protocol is pretty well documented at this point so it shouldn’t be impossible to implement.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Could this be achieved, at least in command line for now, through packages :

raop, raop2 or
forked-daapd ?
pulseaudio-module-raop … lay-device

Could that be a start MenloBob ?