volumio on a custom OS...

Hi Guys/Developers
As you will see, I am very new to your board, but a skilled Linux engineer. You will see that I have created all sorts of radio-interfaces for the RPi and now, using (currently) your OS as my Radio Live Streaming Device.

I have a 100% working environment with RPi and the Adafruit LCDPlate (LCD Display and 5 buttons) in place. What I would like to do is use the bobrathbone.com/ project (buttons/Encoders/LCD on GPIO) and use the VOLUMiO web interface to drive the hardware.

Here comes my question(s):
I saw you mention github.com/volumio/Volumio-WebUI as the GIT environment. If I do the following, will it work?:

  1. Build Raspberry Pi with RASBIAN
  2. Install your web invironment with
    2.a. apt-get install subversion
  3. b. cd /var/www
    2.c. sudo svn checkout github.com/volumio/Volumio-WebUI/trunk/ /var/www
    2.d. cd _OS_SETTINGS/etc
    2.e. cp -R * /etc/
    2.f. /var/www/command/player_wdog.sh startup & > /dev/null 2>&1
    2.g. apt-get remove subversion
    2.h. apt-get install mpd mpc


Anything I forgot?

I suggest you this guide:
Is made by a Volumio member, and it covers it really good. If you have a little patience I’m setting up a proper docs, also for it… You are near, there are some things to be added… Install first mpd and mpc, I suggest to install the custom made version of mpd and shairport made for volumio
Then give appropriate permissions, like in the article.
Then you need to install also
usbmount samba minidlna

and maybe something more, now I don’t remember (need to sleep more lol)

Let me know !

I have several Atom based motherboards and would like to have the Volumio experience on those.
Iam no Linux engineer and would try this guide on a x86 platform. :wink:
Do you have any further advice for this?

PiBang is based on Crunchbang which is based on Debian. crunchbang.org/
There’s no reason why you couldn’t just follow my guide and install the Volumio ‘experience’ on an x86 machine. Give it a go and let us know how it went!

Worked better then thought, most out of the box.
Thanks to this tutorial and as it seems neat distribution Crunchbang.


Thanks to your great explanations i have volume running on a stripped down #!crunchbang (debian derivate) running.
Great solution and, logically, a lot of cpu power.